


Toyota Camry dashboard warning lights

Toyota Camry dashboard warning lights are a combination of universal recognised symbols and symbols unique to Kia. The colour of the light will typically signify the importance or severity of the issue. Green and blue lights inform the driver that a system is active, such as full beam headlights (blue) or that cruise control is active (green) for example.


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Toyota Camry Intelligent Clearance Sonar

Toyota Camry Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS) is an innovative safety feature that makes navigating tight parking spaces simple and safe at low speeds. If a collision with an object may occur due to the vehicle suddenly moving forward due to an accidental accelerator pedal operation, the vehicle moving the unintended direction due to the wrong shift position being selected, or while parking or traveling at low speeds, the sensors detect objects, such as a wall, in the traveling direction of the vehicle, and the system operates to lessen an impact with an object and reduce the resulting damage.


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